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Pharmacogenomics (PGx)

Can Help Your Cardiologist Help You

  • Reduce the “Trial & Error” in Diagnosis & Treatment.
  • Your doctor will know your risk factors and predispositions.
  • Your doctor will be able to find an effective treatment faster.
  • PGx gives your cardiologist a figurative “Cheat Sheet” for you.
  • Get personalized care tailored to your genetic needs.
  • Feel more confident in the care you receive.

Reports Available

Thrombosis Risk (blood clotting)
  • Factor V Leiden thrombophilia
  • Prothrombin thrombophilia
  • Warfarin sensitivity
Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Type III Hyperlipoproteinemia
  • Hypothyroidism T4 to T3 conversion
Drug Metabolism
  • Statins
  • Beta Blockers
  • Angiotensin II Receptors Antagonists

Pharmacogenomics is the future of medicine, starting today.

You are an individual with unique traits and needs. Using your DNA, our pharmacogenomics panel will help reveal how you may react to medications and treatments.

Simply put, your doctor will know ahead of time which treatment is the best option to help you - and which potentially harmful treatments to avoid.

CRI Genetics PGx will get you treated faster, with less suffering and frustration.

With the foresight gained by a pharmacogenomics panel, your doctor may be able to diagnose you and find an effective treatment much faster.

One third of patients stop taking drugs without telling their doctors. 29% of them stop due to side effects. 15% stop because they don’t think it works.

Pharmacogenomics will help make sure you’re not one of them.

Three Simple Steps

Learn More

Click “Learn More” and enter your email to find out how to streamline diagnosis & treatment with CRI Genetics PGx.

Swab & Ship

Your xf will give you a simple CRI Genetics PGx buccal swab test and ship the DNA sample back to our lab.


Your cardiologist will use your new genetic reports to reduce trial & error, which can help find the right treatment faster.

Here’s A Little Sneak Peak Of What The Reports Might Look Like…


About OmniPGx

Our mission at CRI Genetics (Cellular Research Institute, Genetics Department) is to unlock complex information from DNA and present it in a way that’s interesting, useful, and easy to understand. We want to help people learn more about themselves and find ways to improve lives through genetic testing.

Our primary goal is to further Mankind’s understanding of the human genome. Not only do we provide advanced genetic reports to consumers,but we also actively participate in scientific research. We believe genetic analysis is the future of medicine and we’re excited to play a role in solving complex medical problems.

Frequently Asked Questions

Pharmacogenomics is the study of how inheritable genetic differences in individuals can affect how they react to medications and treatments. Every person is different and may metabolize, absorb, and respond to treatments in individual ways that are determined by their DNA. PGx is meant to be a tool for doctors to reference in treating patients that allows them to have an idea as to how a patient may metabolize, absorb, and respond to particular treatments. The goal is to reduce trial and error and improve patient care overall.

A CRI Genetics PGx test panel will help your doctor determine whether you are at greater risk for side effects or if you may benefit more/less from a particular medication. Your doctor may be able to find a more suitable treatment for you than with the traditional trial & error method of diagnosis and treatment.

A CRI Genetics PGx test panel will provide actionable data for 322 drugs and over 60 genes. The information within will include potential disease risks, likely metabolism for medications, and drug-gene interaction risks.

Any patient who may begin treatment with one of the 322 medications in our panel. Alternatively, if you have a patient who is struggling to achieve the desired result from multiple trial and error attempts at treatment, then they are an excellent candidate for a CRI Genetics PGx test panel.

Your doctor will have access to your reports within 3-4 weeks from the time when our lab receives your DNA sample. Results will be viewable (and printable) within a simple, secure online portal.