One thing about knowing how to drive a car is that almost no one is willing to admit they’re a bad driver...
It probably takes less courage to parallel park than tell someone you’re not equipped with the skills to do so.
Many people like to assume their driving skills are on par with (or better than) everyone else’s, but if you’ve ever gotten behind the wheel yourself, you probably know better.
Some people are naturally better drivers than others. Scientists are still delving into the factors that influence our driving skills, but along the way, they’ve uncovered one interesting bit of information: whether or not you’re a bad driver may be influenced by your very own DNA.
what makes someone a bad driver?
Your seatbelt engages, the brakes squeal...
Your car comes to a screeching halt just seconds before you plow into the bumper of the car in front of you.
That was close! Good thing it was a one-off… or was it?
Could you naturally just be a worse driver than others? That might just be possible.
For many people, being a good driver is a point of pride. Performing the usual driving tasks and staying within the speed limit comes easily.
However, there are plenty of factors that can influence someone’s on-road abilities -- one of which is your genetics.

And sometimes your genes, while blessing you with other abilities, can leave your prowess behind the wheel a little… lacking.
Are you more likely to be a bad driver?
The answer lies deep within your cells. Your DNA contains your SGIP1 gene that codes for a protein known as SGIP1. Studies show that SGIP1 is directly associated with your performance on driving-based motor learning tasks.
A change in your SGIP1 gene, also known as a gene variant, at a specific location in your genetic code may create a change in your SGIP1 protein. In turn, there may be a change in your driving ability, leading you to speed while driving and/or perform worse on driving-based motor learning tasks. Thus, your DNA can tell you whether you may have a higher likelihood of being a worse driver than other people.
Knowing your likelihood of being a bad driver can help you protect yourself and others. Those who have the Bad Driver gene variant should work on their driving skills and focus on practicing a lot. Although many factors can influence your driving abilities, the most important factor in driving ability is experience.
Use Your DNA to Explore Your driving abilities
If you're a CRI Genetics customer, you can access your Bad Driver Report in your CRI Genetics account right now and find out what your DNA has to say about your driving skills.
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